We offer a large selection of Tote & Drawstring Bags. You can search many types of Double Drawstring Bags, Die-Cut Handle Tote Bags, High Density Merchandise Bags, Polypropylene Gift Bags, Patch Handle Tote Bags, Rigid Handle Tote Bags, Single Drawstring Bags, T-Shirt/Tote Bags & Bag Holders, Vinyl Drawstring, White Bags with Drawtape, Frosted High Density Bags, Hot-Cold Cooler Bags and Restaurant Take-Out Bags. Drawstring Poly Bags has 100% cotton drawstring which closes the bag tightly. Perfect for attaching bags to equipment or parts, and also makes it easy for carrying products. Popular choice for retailers for packaging jewelry, cosmetics, and wrapped treats. Patch Handle is ideal for retail, trade shows, and also one-time promotions. This bag is strong and reusable with a reinforced patch around the die-cut handle. These bags are custom printable.