All of our Zipper Bags are guaranteed to be the highest quality or your money back.
GBE Packaging is proud to be a low price leader of Wholesale Zipper Bags on the Internet. Quality zipper bags with spot-welded zippers and securely sealed sides for added strength. We stock some of the hard to find zipper bags you need in business to help you look professional like Heavy Duty Hang On Parts Zipper Bags, Hang On Sample Zipper Bags, Write On Zipper Bags, Colored Zipper Bags and many more.
Some of our Zipper Bags Categories Include:
More Styles of our Zipper Bags Available:
Business clients need zipper bags it's one item that we do not think about but a zipper bag is a marvelous invention that has saved us all countless hours. The convenience of a zipper bag is a modern wonder. They are also excellent for mass packaging, especially items that need to be opened and closed often, and protected from dust, water, and more. You may be using them to make life easy at home, make lunch for you or the kids or use them around the office for simple storage. Maybe you are using zipper bags to package your products for resale. If you send out samples to your customers we have some very nice sample zipper bags or parts zipper bags if you are a parts supplier. There is no end to the styles of zipper bags available to you and as a business owner you need to have a professional brand that shows you care. Whether you need clear zipper bags or colored zipper bags we have you covered. When it comes to packaging needs and zipper bags we have some of the best quality styles available. We only stock the best quality zipper bags and your satisfaction is guaranteed.
Hang Hole Zipper Bags - We have many of zipper bags that you can use to display your food products and more in style with our stand up zipper bags and hang hole zipper bags. Some of our zipper bags have a bottom gusset to also allow them to stand on a shelf and they are perfect for any product from foods and dry goods to hardware. We also have high clarity zipper bags which will show off your products like never before and far better than a low or high density poly bag. Many of our zipper bags are hang hole bags so you can save shelf space by hanging the products on tabs or hooks or punch your own holes in the bags or use stick on 3M hang tabs to help organize your products for sale.
Tie On Zipper Bags - Another item that is hard to find is our tie on zipper bags which are perfect for attaching paperwork to products like fire extinguishers or radio equipment, medical equipment, phone system peg boards and more. This is very useful for elevator companies, fire departments, fire extinguisher companies that inspect and certify fire extinguishers, food processing equipment, medical equipment, security and fire alarms and so much more. We also feature tamper evident bags that once sealed have to be torn open to gain access. We have bottom loading zipper bags so now you can bottom load your product or paperwork into a tamper evident zipper bag and heat seal the bottom and you have a tamper evident sealed bag ready to label and sell.
Press On Zipper Bags - Mark Pallets or Shipments - Tab Equipment - We also have press on zipper bags too for box and pallet identification or holding important paperwork for your shipment. Use these to store important paperwork or certifications on equipment or locations. Press on zipper bags can hold temporary signs and warning on walls which looks better than having to tape a sign to a wall or piece of equipment. These zipper bags can be used for shipping sensors, tilt sensors, or freeze sensors and can be reused for years as paperwork holders.
Save Money with Our Brand Zipper Bags in a Dispenser Box - If you use high quantities of zipper bags you may be interested in our brand of zipper bags that are plain label but high quality and the price is right. Maybe you are using a high volume of zipper bags each month for one reason or another, packaging your end user product or you may be bagging small parts, nails or screws to include in with your product well in that case we have our own brand of quality zipper bags that may be just right for you. These zipper bags are guaranteed or your money back. We also stock several styles of well known zipper bags like Minigrip Greenline Zipper Bags and Reloc Zippit Zipper Bags by Minigrip or Zerust VCI Anti-rust Zipper Bags. We also have several styles of zipper bags in dispenser boxes for ease of use. We even have some shopping bags with zippers.
That is not all the zipper bags we stock. We have zipper bags with the recycle symbol and a vent hole. Colored zipper bags that meet FDA and USDA specifications for food contact.
Anti-Corrosion Zipper Poly Bags that are reclosable bags that provide a dust and moisture barrier in addition to a corrosion inhibitor to protect any ferrous surfaces that could corrode or rust over time, especially during shipping or storage or when parts are waiting for the next step of the process on assembly lines. We also have law enforcement style evidence zipper bags, medical and specimen zipper bags, sample bags and zipper bags on a roll for autobag machines with vent holes and without.