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GBE Packaging Supplies stocks many styles of Bags, that make today’s businesses look great with minimum investment. We stock bags that help you sell your product with style. Some of the more popular bags include, stand up barrier food bags, bottom loading barrier bags, heat sealable zipper bags and more. Whatever product you are packing we can help you find a quality bag or box for your product. We have helped customers package such items as flavored taffy candy, chocolate candies, atomic fireballs, bubble gum, candy bars, suckers, hard candy, bottle caps, jerky treats, bubble tape and more.

We have thousands of styles of bags in stock ready to ship today.

Just a mention of what we stock are poly bags, or plastic bags if that’s what you call it, and all kinds of specialty bags such as, stand-up bags, barrier bags, cloth bags, burlap bags, red mesh produce bags, cellophane bags, glassine bags, bakery bags, cone bags, ice bags, micro perforated bags, self-sealing bags, anti-static bags, reusable bags, sand bags, deli bags, medical bags, zipper bags and many more.

Heavy duty quality barrier bags and pouches also known as metallized bags, foil bags, and sometimes Mylar bags (By Dupont Corp.), provide moisture, corrosion and shielding protection for sensitive components or to preserve and protect products.

Here at GBE Packaging we specialize in product packaging. This site: www.productpackagingsupplies.com offers many kinds of specialty bags and hard to find styles of bags that are very popular and all are top sellers. We only sell the highest quality bags and guarantee your satisfaction or your money back. We continue to add new products daily and hope you will bookmark our sites and visit us often when shopping for wholesale packaging supplies. We also have another product line available at www.gbepackaging.com that has the lowest price for all the most common packaging items. If low pricing is your goal be sure to check both of our websites. We have been known as the low price leader on the internet for packaging supplies since 1998.

We have thousands of styles of bags in stock ready to ship today. We try to stock the poly bags that are most popular and have had to drop some of the sizes that were not selling to make room for other styles of bags. Low density polyethylene bags are economical and versatile for packaging, storing, and protecting a wide variety of products. High Density Flat Poly Bags are a great choice since they are made from virgin high-density film. High density bags cost less and are 50-75% thinner than comparable low-density bags. Light, thin-gauge material reduces storage space requirements and lowers shipping costs. They also resist stretching and won't scratch most surfaces. They also meet FDA and USDA specifications for food contact.

One of our biggest sellers is the Flat Poly Bag Printed with Suffocation Warnings, which alerts users of potential dangers to children. Warning message printed in English, Spanish, and French with: “Warning: To avoid danger of suffocation, keep this plastic bag away from babies and children. Do not use in cribs, beds, carriages or playpens. The thin film may cling to nose and mouth and prevent breathing. This bag is not a toy.” This bag also meets FDA and USDA specifications for food contact if you need it for food service. We have some colorful bag options too! Colored poly bags are very popular. Color code merchandise with colored poly bags and using a color might work into your brand or use colored bags to build consumer recognition. You can stand out with a color bag.

High Clarity Flat Polypropylene Bags are very popular! Crystal clear to enhance product image. Used often for jewelry because of the clarity and they provide a highly protective barrier against moisture and vapors. Won’t scratch most surfaces. Delays evaporation and dehydration to preserve freshness and taste of packaged foods. High clarity bags are less expensive and more flexible than cellophane. They also meet FDA and USDA specifications for food contact.

Simplify inventory, packaging and labeling of parts, supplies, and more for shipment or storage. Our preprinted white Write-on® area bags are perfect to stay organized. They too meet FDA and USDA specifications for food contact. They are custom printable so just call for details on custom made Write-on® area colored bags.

Need bags for heavy items, or long-term storage. We have extra-strong, puncture-resistant poly bags with a high tensile strength. Dependable protection for extreme cold temperatures, rough handling, or long shipping cycles. Great for packing, shipping, and storing odd shaped, sharp or heavy items.

Another popular bag is the color-coded coin/tamper-evident bags. Widely used in banks, casinos, and retail establishments to separate and color code coin denominations. Puncture-resistant metallocene bags are tamper-evident, permanent-adhesive seal that must be cut to open. These are custom printable bags.

Some of the other bags we have in stock ready to ship today are low and high density, food bags, sample bags, bags on a roll, bubble bags, foam bags, medical bags, specimen bags and more. We also stock cloth bags, like burlap bags, and cloth mailing bags, parts shipping bags, and sand bags for flood control and landscaping. We have plastic and paper shopping bags, drawstring bags, trade show bags, pharmacy bags, and autoclavable bags. We have bags for Autobag Machines, document protection and umbrella bags. Bags on a pad, write on bags, saddle pack bags, wicketed bags, and microperforated bags for bread and rolls. Bags for comic books, magazines and trading cards. Hang on bags, zipper bags, colored zipper bags, minigrip zipper bags, high clarity zipper bags and slider zipper bags. We also have bags in dispenser boxes and red line zipper bags all top name bags for your parts and products. We have thousands of zipper bag sizes and all of our bags come with same day shipping. We also have liners, trash liners, medical liners, pallet liners, barrel liners, and box liners. We have water soluble laundry bags and hazardous waste bags to deal with asbestos and radioactive waste. We also carry anti static bags, metalized bags, electrically conductive bags, and VCI anti rust bags. At GBE Packaging we are a low price leader on the web and we only sell quality products that you will love. We need your sales to keep our prices low so please pass the word to anyone you know that needs great pricing on quality packaging supplies so we can keep prices low.

  • Government Contracts? - All of our bags are industry spec so an advertised 2 mil bag will be 2 mil.
  • Minimum Order: 1 Case or Bundle
  • Available in Flat or Zipper Bag Styles.
  • Tamper Evident when Heat Sealed.
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
  • Excellent Moisture Control.
  • Same Day.Shipping.
  • Made in the USA.

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