The Scott C-Fold Paper Towels in white come 200 towels per package (12 packages per carton). These tough, absorbent towels are perfect for quick clean-up. The white, c-fold towels fit both wall and countertop dispensers. Great for drying your hands off after washing them from touching dirty, germ-filled surfaces such as door knobs, refrigerator handles, vending machine buttons, parking meters, crosswalk buttons, ATM�s, remote controls, toilet seats, cell phones, payphones, bathroom stall latches, bathtubs, light switches, microwave pads, elevator buttons, mailbox handles, supermarket checkouts, money, gas pump handles, escalator rails, keyboards, credit cards, kitchen sinks, shopping carts, bubblers, playground equipment, computer mice, steering wheels, kitchen sponges, pooper scoopers, cooking utensils, and more.
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