The 20" x 20" poly tote bag with rigid handle and 3" bottom gusset in white (2 mil.) is strong and reusable. The comfortable grip plastic handles are designed to withstand over stuffing. These bags are preferred by retail stores, exhibitors, and anyone seeking a high end bag. Can also be used for storing camping supplies and many other items such as matches, batteries, lantern fuel, water filter, swim suit, socks, gloves, mittens, bandannas, quick-dry clothes, socks, clothes line, charcoal, trash bags, table cloths, roasting sticks, water bottles, forks, knives, cups, mugs, spoons, spatula, foil, cutting board, sponges, paper towels, sunscreen, insect repellent, maps, sunglasses, waterproof gloves, sun hats, fleece jackets, hiking socks, rain wear, water purification tablets, and other products. Quantity is 200 bags per carton.
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